My interest in psychotherapy, spirituality and
meditation began after the end of my marriage several years ago,
which like many other types of losses, triggered a lot of suffering.
A friend of mine introduced me to the practice of meditation and I
soon went on to a Buddhist centre to take an introductory course in
the grounding practices of breath focusing and love and kindness.
These meditation practices were followed by psychotherapeutic
sessions which, in turn, introduced me not only to the field of
psychotherapy but also to spirituality. meditation, spirituality and
psychotherapy all came together to facilitate my personal growth.
This is what I would like to share with you - how to improve your
mental health by discovering yourself.
I use a Humanistic and Integrative approach to the practice of
psychotherapy. I believe that the most crucial factors for healing
are the nature of the therapeutic relationships and the development
of self-awareness. I focus on building a safe environment in which
my clients can securely express their thoughts, emotions, and body
By integrating the cognitive, emotional, and sensorimotor components
psychotherapy goes beyond just talking about an issue but becomes a
form of experiential learning. I aim to support my client develop
their full potential and becoming independent human being intimately
connected with the other and the environment.
I have experience with:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Self-esteem and confidence
- Relationship issues
- Stress and burnout
- Work-related issues
- Depression
- Traumatic experiences
- Life transitions
- Low motivation
- Lack of direction
- Spirituality
- MA in Psychotherapy (Dublin Business School)
- Higher Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy (Dublin Business
- Certificate in Counselling and Psychotherapy (PCI College)
- Mindfulness Teacher (with Shamash Alidina)
- BA in Economics (University La Sapienza, Rome)
- MSc in Quantitative Finance (CORIPE, Turin)
- Past member of CFA, FRM
- IAHIP Accredited Member (Irish Association of Humanistic and
Integrative Psychotherapy)
Association: Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative
Psychotherapy, n. 1659