Hello, My name is Francis, and I
am a registered Social Worker, and Approved Mental Health
Professional. I have been in practice for many years. I have worked
with Offenders, Working Age Adults, and Older Persons.
As well as Counselling/Casework,
I have been involved in staff training. I have the Further and Adult
Education Teaching Certificate.
I am interested in offering Counselling Support to a whole range of
people in English. So, if you feel vulnerable, isolated, anxious,
grieving, an older person, infirm, or have any other needs I might
be able to help. Sometimes just sharing a problem can have a
therapeutic effect. Peace of mind can itself lead to contentment. It
is my aim to help you become healthier and stronger in mind and
body, and to this end I use holistic approaches.
Whilst I prefer face to face contact, I am happy to offer telephone
Counselling, Skype/Zoom, or intensive in-house support.
I look forward to hearing from you, and don’t forget a first phone
call costs nothing.
Siret: 53283727500017 |