Clinical counsellor
Psychodynamic psychotherapist

Email: elicounsellor@hotmail.com 

Telephone: 06 09 07 21 57

6 Rue Honoré Ferrare
​06600 Antibes

For further details please see https://elicounsellor.wixsite.com/antibes

The types of counselling and psychotherapy that Eli proposes are:
  • INDIVIDUAL – this can be useful in treating pathologies, such as depression, OCDs, as well as anger issues, traumas; or to help discover many facets to one's personality, hidden inner strengths and in so doing, work toward a more fulfilling self. Therapy also includes Bereavement and Grief: for the loss of a loved one, redundancy, loss of status, geographical relocation. Post traumatic Stress Disorder, in reaction to an accident, abuse or child suffering.
  • COUPLE - Relationships are a totally different world altogether. It is easy to slip into the habit where the other is simply taken for granted and romance is a thing of the past. In couple’s work you rediscover a new intimacy, learn how to efficiently communicate, recover from extra-marital affairs, parenting challenges... A systemic approach will help families to regain a status of harmony and stability during conflicts generated by parenthood and teenage years challenges, illness, loss of work, etc.
  • GROUP to resolve the damages of alienation, illness, poor functionality and even lesser profitability, at the workplace or institution. All in a non-judgemental, unconditionally positive and honest environment.

Eli holds a Diploma from the Institute of Counselling in Glasgow and is specialized in Couples and Family issues, Grief and Bereavement, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorders. She trained at TCCR, Tavistock Centre in London for Couple Relationships and holds several certificates in Couples and Family Therapy and Traumas.

She pursued her studies at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Fundation Trust where she obtained her Postgraduate Certificate in Counselling and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and completed a Psychotherapy Postgraduate Degree at the psychiatric hospital Vinatier in Lyon at the Claude Bernard university. As a psychotherapist, Eli is trained to diagnose mental illnesses and provides treatment using techniques, such as BT (behavioral therapy), CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), Mindfulness and Relaxation. Most recently she extensively trained in Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT), which is extremely effective in treating issues concerning shame, depression, anger, etc.
Eli works with a number of organizations worldwide to provide EAP to local employees. EAP is a work-based intervention program designed to assist employees in resolving personal problems that may be adversely affecting the employee's performance.

Eli is accredited by the National Counselling Society and works according to the BPCA code of ethics. She consults at her own office in Antibes and she also spends a considerable amount of time training groups and individuals. She fluently speaks English, French and Italian.

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