An example of a written Counselling
Please note that counsellors
are professionally and ethically bound not to continue with therapy if it
appears not to be beneficial to the client and reserve the right to decline
clients if the counsellor feels that a client's needs may be best met elsewhere.
The contract
The counselling contract outlines the confidentiality and boundaries that a
counsellor offers. Confidentiality is absolute and whatever you disclose in a
counselling session is never revealed outside the session in connection with the
client’s name, neither is the identity of the client ever revealed to anyone.
This has certain legal exceptions ie if you threaten to seriously hurt or kill
others (if the counsellor feels you really mean it) or if you tell the
counsellor that you have seriously hurt someone, sexually abused a child or
killed someone already. Also, if you state that you intend to kill yourself and
the counsellor believes that you mean to do so, then the counsellor will need to
inform a doctor or emergency services that you are in danger. The counsellor
must inform the appropriate authorities in all these exceptions to complete
confidentiality and will tell you that he/she is obliged to do so. This is to
protect the counsellor, yourself and others and is a legal requirement. The
contract also specifies that after the session, confidential notes may be made
by the counsellor about the content and process of the counselling sessions but
that you will not be identified in any way. The notes are to help the counsellor
follow the counselling process and identify patterns etc. Also, the counsellor
will explain that he/she has supervision, either with one supervisor or within a
confidential peer group setting. Supervision is something that every practising
counsellor must have to maintain client and counsellor safety during
counselling. The supervisor will not be told anything which identifies the
client - it is the counselling issues that are discussed - perhaps there are
problems with client/counsellor transference or the counsellor is having
difficulty dealing with certain issues because they impinge upon his/her own
Please note that not every
counsellor or psychotherapist will ask you to sign a contract, plus you may just
be asked to agree to a verbal contract. It is an agreement between you and the
therapist and is a protection for both.